IR Young Farmers Circle

At the core of our discussion lies the fascinating realm of Agricultural Science and the multitude of benefits it bestows upon individuals and communities alike. It transcends the mere act of farming and delves into the profound impact it has on our lives, both physically and mentally.

IR Agroween Initiative

Prepare yourselves for an exciting and bountiful celebration – the Agroween Agric Festival is on the horizon! This eagerly anticipated event is open to all educational institutions, from basic schools to high schools and colleges, as long as they boast farm yards or practical Agricultural Science programs and support.

Agriculture Recognition Award

In a world that often celebrates fame and glamour, it's refreshing to acknowledge the unsung heroes who toil in the fields and farms, nurturing the very foundation of our existence. While Nollywood icons are rightfully called stars, and healthcare workers are rightfully hailed as heroes, it's high time we recognize that the food and agricultural industry workers