IR Agroween Initiative

Prepare yourselves for an exciting and bountiful celebration – the Agroween Agric Festival is on the horizon! This eagerly anticipated event is open to all educational institutions, from basic schools to high schools and colleges, as long as they boast farm yards or practical Agricultural Science programs and support. Agroween promises to be a grand affair, a day where these institutions come together to showcase their agricultural prowess and the fruits of their labor. It's an opportunity for every participating institution to shine and display their farm produce in what promises to be a historical bazaar of agricultural excellence. 

The Agroween Agric Festival isn't just a mere competition; it's a chance to celebrate the importance of agriculture in our lives and the incredible work being done in schools to educate the next generation of agriculturists. It's a day filled with camaraderie, learning, and fun as students, teachers, and the local community gather to witness the abundance of the agricultural world.

Whether you're a student eager to participate, a teacher guiding the next generation of agricultural leaders, or simply someone passionate about the agricultural industry, you won't want to miss this extraordinary event. Keep an eye out for registration details, as they'll be available soon. Join us in embracing the spirit of Agroween, where agriculture takes center stage, and together, we cultivate a brighter future.





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